Do you find it tough to work towards your goals – even when you know
they’re worthwhile? Perhaps you’ve tried to push yourself forwards with
willpower ... but it hasn’t worked.
Instead of willpower, you need more self-motivation. That way, you won’t run out of energy – and you might even find yourself enjoying life more!
Here’s how to become more self-motivated:
#1: Spend Your Time on Tasks You Enjoy
you have a choice about what you’ll spend your time on – perhaps what
job you’ll take, or what you’ll major in at college – then choose
something that you’ll enjoy. Going for a job that pays a little more, or
a major that sounds a bit more prestigious, isn’t going to help you
stay motivated.
Even if you’re working in a job that you dislike, you probably have some control over the tasks you take on.
Can you ask to be involved with a new, interesting project? Can you
volunteer to help your manager with a particular piece of work?
#2: Take Pride in What You’re Doing
activities can seem pretty futile. Perhaps you’re a small cog in a big
machine at work, and it’s tough to see how your contribution matters.
The truth is, it does make a difference – your company wouldn’t have hired you in the first place if it didn’t.
It’s easier to be self-motivated when you take pride in what you’re doing, and you do it to the best of your ability. Whether you’re cleaning the house or dealing with customers, you can consciously decide to do your very best.
#3: Think About the Outcome
an ideal world, every task would be its own reward. Of course, it
doesn’t always work like that. You’ve probably got a bunch of tasks on
your list that aren’t especially interesting or enjoyable – but you want
to get them done anyway because they’ll take you towards your goals.
Try focusing on the outcome: that qualification at the end of your degree course, or the money you’ll have if you stick to your savings plan.
You might even want to find an image that helps represent this outcome
(the job you want to have, or the car you’re planning to buy) and keep
it close to hand.
#4: Be Careful With Your Use of Rewards
Some people motivate themselves with rewards: Once I’ve answered these emails, I’ll have a chocolate bar.
This can be helpful if you really need to push yourself through a
particular task – but if you do it too often, you’ll find yourself
relying on the reward instead of your natural motivation.
Think instead about the rewards inherent in the task itself: Once I’ve answered these emails, I’ll feel on top of things or Answering these emails helps me to keep our customers happy. Instead of seeing the task as yet another item on your list, think of its real impact on you and others.
#5: Learn Something New
all natural learners – it’s how we survive. “Learning” isn’t just for
children and students: it’s something we do throughout our lives. If
you’ve ever struggled to figure out a new piece of software and had an
“aha” moment, you’ll know how good it can feel to learn something new.
If there are specific areas in your life where you feel very unmotivated, is that because you’re not confident?
You might hate cooking, writing, exercising or some other task, because
you know you struggle to do it well. Taking the time to learn about it
could really boost your motivation.
#6: Stay Focused While You’re Working
You might be motivated to start
a new task ... but if your attention wanders after five minutes, you’re
going to struggle to keep that motivation going. Every time you switch
to something else (like Facebook or your phone), you’re breaking your
Stay focused on one thing at a time – even
if that means turning off your internet connection or blocking websites
that distract you. If you keep stopping and starting, it’ll
seem like your task is dragging on forever – it’s much more motivating
to make steady progress.
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